- The fact that today is a leap-year day! It just makes me so amused to think that we have "extra time"
- A big mug of coffee drank on the living room couch
- Horrible John Hughes movies after a really long day (Pretty in Pink anyone?)
- When there is no traffic on the way to work in the morning and I can just cruise along without getting upset with the world
- Going out to the mountains to just see pretty things
- Paper mail from someone special
- Having time to paint and create
- When children hand you a drawing that they "made just for you"
- When songs include clapping
- Anything unexpectedly turquoise
February Month Long Challenge: Day Twenty-Nine
Day Twenty-Nine: 10 Things That Make Me Happy
February Month Long Challenge: Day Twenty-Eight
Day Twenty-Eight: Three Wonderful Things That Happened This Month
- I managed to somewhat keep up with the month long challenge here and on Instagram. I feel off the wagon a few times but made up for it. I'm proud of myself. I give myself a B+
- I had several lunch/breakfast dates with amazing ladies that are in my life. They encouraged me and helped keep me sane
- I crafted and thrifted more this month that others previous (proof to come very soon)
February Month Long Challenge: Day Twenty-Seven
Day Twenty-Seven: Someplace I Would Like To Visit
I should be a loyal daughter and say I would like to visit my Mom in Windsor, but i'm going to be selfish. I want to visit Liverpool again. Because I just love that town gosh-darn it *winky face* or perhaps it's because a certain person lives there...
I should be a loyal daughter and say I would like to visit my Mom in Windsor, but i'm going to be selfish. I want to visit Liverpool again. Because I just love that town gosh-darn it *winky face* or perhaps it's because a certain person lives there...
February Month Long Challenge: Day Twenty-Six
Day Twenty-Six: A Skill I'd Like To Learn
If I could just get the tension right this little crochet hook would not be my worst enemy!
February Month Long Challenge: Day Twenty-Five
Day Twenty-Five: Something I'm Looking Forward To
In the words of that fabulous Calgarian band Loverboy i'm "Working For The Weekend". This weekend is pretty jammed packed. A friend of mine recently started a once-a-month classic movie night and I'm loving it! This will be our second one. Last time we watched "The Thin Man" and it was amazing to see my Jimmie Stewart so young (seriously I know he's dead but I've got a serious crush on him). So this month I can't remember what we will be watching... maybe I'll blog about it later. On Saturday I have a darling little girl's party to go to. It is a friends baby and she's only a few months old. It's a traditional Ghanian celebration and I have NO idea what to expect. I also might have a Skype date this weekend with a certain someone, but that we haven't figured out yet. Oh the weekend!
* As a side note I am behind on these posts (no surprise) so if this was actually done on the day it was supposed to be it would have been on the weekend. But unfortunately this is Tuesday!
In the words of that fabulous Calgarian band Loverboy i'm "Working For The Weekend". This weekend is pretty jammed packed. A friend of mine recently started a once-a-month classic movie night and I'm loving it! This will be our second one. Last time we watched "The Thin Man" and it was amazing to see my Jimmie Stewart so young (seriously I know he's dead but I've got a serious crush on him). So this month I can't remember what we will be watching... maybe I'll blog about it later. On Saturday I have a darling little girl's party to go to. It is a friends baby and she's only a few months old. It's a traditional Ghanian celebration and I have NO idea what to expect. I also might have a Skype date this weekend with a certain someone, but that we haven't figured out yet. Oh the weekend!
* As a side note I am behind on these posts (no surprise) so if this was actually done on the day it was supposed to be it would have been on the weekend. But unfortunately this is Tuesday!
February Month Long Challenge: Day Twenty-Four
Day Twenty-Four: The Contents of Your Purse
It is absolutely NO wonder why I have to visit my Chiropractor once every three weeks. That is one heavy bag. Not so much this month as I'm reading a tiny book, but you should see when I do the large novels. There is me ever so slightly listing to the right. So here is a list in no order almost like a ISpy:
The purse itself is a Fossil (my first "big girl" purse)
Black business card holder
Mini agenda to plan my Monday to Friday
Current book I am reading (filled with my Great-Aunts High School notes)
Tea Tree make-up stick for touch-ups
Keys with kitty key chain from Grandma
Lotion (Alberta is harsh on the hands)
Compact mirror from Madrid street market
Mac lipstick in "creme d'nude"
Cheapo ballpoint pen
Glasses for driving
Home-made coffee sleeve (I have delicate hands)
Mittens in my two favourite colours (made by a talented friend)
It is absolutely NO wonder why I have to visit my Chiropractor once every three weeks. That is one heavy bag. Not so much this month as I'm reading a tiny book, but you should see when I do the large novels. There is me ever so slightly listing to the right. So here is a list in no order almost like a ISpy:
The purse itself is a Fossil (my first "big girl" purse)
Black business card holder
Mini agenda to plan my Monday to Friday
Current book I am reading (filled with my Great-Aunts High School notes)
Tea Tree make-up stick for touch-ups
Keys with kitty key chain from Grandma
Lotion (Alberta is harsh on the hands)
Compact mirror from Madrid street market
Mac lipstick in "creme d'nude"
Cheapo ballpoint pen
Glasses for driving
Home-made coffee sleeve (I have delicate hands)
Mittens in my two favourite colours (made by a talented friend)
February Month Long Challenge: Day Twenty-Three
Day Twenty-Three: 8 Things You Don't Know About Me
- I have a fear of Popsicle sticks touching my teeth (and it gives me shivers thinking about it)
- I think that ... is a perfectly acceptable way to end a sentence
- I love to watch hockey, but I was actually once a figure skater
- I've never broken a bone, but I have dislocated a knee cap before
- I think tattoo's are awesome, but I have commitment issues
- I have the biggest girl crush on Zooey Deschanel (not in a creepy way, but in a this girl's pretty awesome way)
- I can't leave the house without eyeliner
- One day I would love to write a book, but I'm not sure if I could focus long enough to do it
February Month Long Challenge: Day Twenty-Two
Day Twenty-Two: Some Place I Have Travelled
One Year ago around this time I was jetting off to my UK excursion. That in and of itself was amazing, but the truly amazing/nerdy place that I went was Stonehenge. SO COOL! I was like a child at Disneyland. We got there just at the sun was rising. A small group of us no more that twelve. It was freezing. There was no one else at the site as it was before opening hours (we were a special tour). We got to go into the circle. Like in the grass. Like behind the rope. I could smell mouldy stones. It was great. I had this CRAZY tour guide who kept frollicking around in the grass saying "isn't it fantastic" and talking about how drrrrr it's not aliens and drrrr it's totally a sundile (he sounded a bit more elloquint by the way). Just being there in the middle of a field surrounded by stones that have no business being there was amazing. It's always great to just be able to say: I was there.
One Year ago around this time I was jetting off to my UK excursion. That in and of itself was amazing, but the truly amazing/nerdy place that I went was Stonehenge. SO COOL! I was like a child at Disneyland. We got there just at the sun was rising. A small group of us no more that twelve. It was freezing. There was no one else at the site as it was before opening hours (we were a special tour). We got to go into the circle. Like in the grass. Like behind the rope. I could smell mouldy stones. It was great. I had this CRAZY tour guide who kept frollicking around in the grass saying "isn't it fantastic" and talking about how drrrrr it's not aliens and drrrr it's totally a sundile (he sounded a bit more elloquint by the way). Just being there in the middle of a field surrounded by stones that have no business being there was amazing. It's always great to just be able to say: I was there.
February Month Long Challenge: Day Twenty-One
Day Twenty-One: Something I Could Never Tire Of
The easy answer for this is peanut butter on toast. It's simple magic! For those of you who are allergic, I sympathize. I am allergic to almonds and have heard how delicious almond butter is. Cruel world! PB was my prized possession in Spain. Even though a tiny jar was something along the lines of €5 and some I still bought it allllllllllll the time (the multiple "l" is for severe emphasis). It reminded me of home. Mr.Tom thought it was disgusting, but said he could possibly understand the appeal (although that could be code that is simple North American taste). I'm now going to finish the deliciousness that is captured in this picture:
February Month Long Challenge: Day Twenty
Day Twenty: A Childhood Anecdote
Not gonna lie... I looked up anecdote to see what it meant... I'm a dork. Anyhoodle. This picture is of me in my childhood sandbox. I'm pretty sure my Dad built it for me (probably with the help of Grandpa). This was my very first home; a duplex with my Grandma and Grandpa on the other side. I don't remember this picture (obviously) but one of my first memories occurs in this sandbox. My old tabby Stanley (who was one fat cat) was on his leash inside my sandbox. I was in there during this visit, and am really hoping he wasn't using it at his outdoor litterbox. Also, can we talk about how cute the bonnet/sunglasses combo is! I should try to rock that now. But, really I think people might just think I'm a freak!
Not gonna lie... I looked up anecdote to see what it meant... I'm a dork. Anyhoodle. This picture is of me in my childhood sandbox. I'm pretty sure my Dad built it for me (probably with the help of Grandpa). This was my very first home; a duplex with my Grandma and Grandpa on the other side. I don't remember this picture (obviously) but one of my first memories occurs in this sandbox. My old tabby Stanley (who was one fat cat) was on his leash inside my sandbox. I was in there during this visit, and am really hoping he wasn't using it at his outdoor litterbox. Also, can we talk about how cute the bonnet/sunglasses combo is! I should try to rock that now. But, really I think people might just think I'm a freak!
February Month Long Challenge: Day Eighteen
Day Eighteen: What I Wore Today
Not a crazy fashion day today. I needed an awesomely comfortable errand and bowling outfit. This is my go to comfy/cute outfit. This shirt is actually gray, but I love that is appears green. And that cutie little necklace is from a lovely boutique in Canmore, Alberta called Arty Farty. I bought it for myself on my Birthday when I went on a trip with my family. Not pictured is my fabulous hair which didn't even get a brush through it today, and my jeans which are just a staple in general.
Not a crazy fashion day today. I needed an awesomely comfortable errand and bowling outfit. This is my go to comfy/cute outfit. This shirt is actually gray, but I love that is appears green. And that cutie little necklace is from a lovely boutique in Canmore, Alberta called Arty Farty. I bought it for myself on my Birthday when I went on a trip with my family. Not pictured is my fabulous hair which didn't even get a brush through it today, and my jeans which are just a staple in general.
February Month Long Challenge: Day Sixteen and Seventeen
Day Sixteen and Seventeen: Someone Who Inspires Me/My Family
That fine looking young lady is my Grandmother. She is 84 years old and has a better social life than me! Plus she is the eternal optimist. If you have a horrible situation she can talk you through it. Not all of my family is close, but Grandma is the link for a large amount of us. She looked after me every day for the first five years of my life. She taught me the love of painting, baking, and tai chi! I call her the perfect combination of Betty White, Dr. Ruth, and a Saint! She says the most unexpected things, and the most profound. I love her sooooooooo much.
That fine looking young lady is my Grandmother. She is 84 years old and has a better social life than me! Plus she is the eternal optimist. If you have a horrible situation she can talk you through it. Not all of my family is close, but Grandma is the link for a large amount of us. She looked after me every day for the first five years of my life. She taught me the love of painting, baking, and tai chi! I call her the perfect combination of Betty White, Dr. Ruth, and a Saint! She says the most unexpected things, and the most profound. I love her sooooooooo much.
February Month Long Challenge: Day Fifteen
Day Fifteen: Style Inspiration
One of my absolute favourite online stores to browse is ModCloth
My favourite designer has to be Betsey Johnson
One thing that I really want is a pair of cats-eye glasses
What I might not be brave enough to wear but secretly want to is leggings
One of my absolute favourite online stores to browse is ModCloth
My favourite designer has to be Betsey Johnson
One thing that I really want is a pair of cats-eye glasses
What I might not be brave enough to wear but secretly want to is leggings
February Month Long Challenge: Day Fourteen
Day Fourteen: A Favourite Movie
So today is Valentines Day. Because of this I am provided with an easy way out. I love movies. Like love love movies. So today would be the perfect day to pick my favourite cheeseball early 2000's movie that is just perfect for Valentines Day. I don't do the whole lovey dovey movie. The Notebook gave me hive. So one I recommend that has love and dance and awful acting to make you feel oh so happy:
Center Stage (and as a Canadian I would like to say Centre Stage)
So today is Valentines Day. Because of this I am provided with an easy way out. I love movies. Like love love movies. So today would be the perfect day to pick my favourite cheeseball early 2000's movie that is just perfect for Valentines Day. I don't do the whole lovey dovey movie. The Notebook gave me hive. So one I recommend that has love and dance and awful acting to make you feel oh so happy:
Center Stage (and as a Canadian I would like to say Centre Stage)
February Month Long Challenge: Day Thirteen
Day Thirteen: Something I'm Proud Of
This will sound so cliche, but I'm proud of my imagination. I've had a pretty big one since I was little. It's a big strange actually because most people dream of being rockstars or princess'. Not me. I'm more of an ordinary girl living in an extraordinary place. I've thought up giant schools with the coolest classrooms (yes I'm a big nerd), designed houses in my mind, or just simple gardens with hidden hollows. As a child I would make lists and diagrams of all the things I dreamt up. I really wish that I would have kept all these things as I think they would be really inspiring right now (or frightfully embarrassing).
This will sound so cliche, but I'm proud of my imagination. I've had a pretty big one since I was little. It's a big strange actually because most people dream of being rockstars or princess'. Not me. I'm more of an ordinary girl living in an extraordinary place. I've thought up giant schools with the coolest classrooms (yes I'm a big nerd), designed houses in my mind, or just simple gardens with hidden hollows. As a child I would make lists and diagrams of all the things I dreamt up. I really wish that I would have kept all these things as I think they would be really inspiring right now (or frightfully embarrassing).
February Month Long Challenge: Day Twelve
Day Twelve: Three Blogs I Can't Get Enough Of
A Beautiful Mess - I am assuming that most people love Elsie. She is kinda a vintage/craft/artist/photographer dynamo. She's just completely genuine.
Love Elycia - She's Canadian. That enough is awesome. She's kinda quirky like me, and really has interesting things to say. And I always love to add Engineers to my list of "people" in my life (I would estimate 50% of my real life friends are engineers).
The Dainty Squid - She has the most amazing cats and fancy style! I've never appreciated the simple beauty of mushrooms, and her obsession with thrifting might just turn me into a pack rat!
A Beautiful Mess - I am assuming that most people love Elsie. She is kinda a vintage/craft/artist/photographer dynamo. She's just completely genuine.
Love Elycia - She's Canadian. That enough is awesome. She's kinda quirky like me, and really has interesting things to say. And I always love to add Engineers to my list of "people" in my life (I would estimate 50% of my real life friends are engineers).
The Dainty Squid - She has the most amazing cats and fancy style! I've never appreciated the simple beauty of mushrooms, and her obsession with thrifting might just turn me into a pack rat!
Craft: Plush Camera
There it is in all its plushy goodness! I didn't get to make it along with the live blog, but I've been looking for a time to whip one up. Sitting down watching Everything is Illuminated and Stranger Than Fiction afforded me some time. My fabric is a bit sheddy, but it's adorable. So glad that <3 Elycia and My Girl Thursday did this little Craft Night a while back. Now I need the perfect place to put it!
Craft: Mason Jar Pincushion
Wrap cotton batten in fabric and wrap around removable circle on mason jar hot glue into the main screw top of the mason jar. Store sewing notions within and give your pincushion an amazing hairdo!
February Month Long Challenge: Day Eleven
Day Eleven: Something I've Been Craving
mmmmmm Gingerale. It's not just for people who are ill (or was that just in my family). It's bubbly and sweet and lovely (kinda like me). Enough about me being self-absorbed. I'm going to take a sip now!
mmmmmm Gingerale. It's not just for people who are ill (or was that just in my family). It's bubbly and sweet and lovely (kinda like me). Enough about me being self-absorbed. I'm going to take a sip now!
February Month Long Challenge: Day Ten
Day Ten: Something I Love About My Job
Chances are during the course of the day I get to read a picture book. Someday I hope to do a post on all my favourites. This little gem in the picture is one I picked up at Costco and its a very large board book. All of these factors combined with "You are not my mother, you are a snort" makes for a pretty awesome purchase!
Chances are during the course of the day I get to read a picture book. Someday I hope to do a post on all my favourites. This little gem in the picture is one I picked up at Costco and its a very large board book. All of these factors combined with "You are not my mother, you are a snort" makes for a pretty awesome purchase!
February Month Long Challenge: Day Nine
Day Nine: A Close Up Of My Day
I can't take photos at work, but this will definitely be part of my night: organising things to donate. I did a massive sweep of my possessions on the weekend trying to get rid of things that haven't seen the light of day in over a year. It's sad for me as I feel like once I donate I'll regret. What makes me feel better though is someone else will appreciate these things at a later date. The basket makes me laugh though as this was me dreaming of picnics as a 13 year old. So far is has housed my extensive bag collection or my winter accessories... not very picnicy is it!
I can't take photos at work, but this will definitely be part of my night: organising things to donate. I did a massive sweep of my possessions on the weekend trying to get rid of things that haven't seen the light of day in over a year. It's sad for me as I feel like once I donate I'll regret. What makes me feel better though is someone else will appreciate these things at a later date. The basket makes me laugh though as this was me dreaming of picnics as a 13 year old. So far is has housed my extensive bag collection or my winter accessories... not very picnicy is it!
February Month Long Challenge: Day Seven
Day Seven: A Song For The Day
Can I just say that after the day I had i'm feeling a little bit Crazy *
* Seriously though this may be the best cover i've heard in quite some time!
Can I just say that after the day I had i'm feeling a little bit Crazy *
* Seriously though this may be the best cover i've heard in quite some time!
February Month Long Challenge: Day Six

This looks bad... I'm reading a "for dummies" book. I assure you that I am not a dummy. Well... maybe when it comes to Canadian History. What's that? I'm Canadian! Doesn't mean I know anything about my own history. Either it was taught in such a boring way, or it was waxed over for European history. Even when I was taking my "Canadian Art History" course in University it seems all I learned about what Emily Carr and the Group of Seven. Doesn't tell you much about my country aside from Totem Poles and mountains. We have kinda an interesting history though. Mind you where I am in this book "Canada" doesn't exist yet. So far I've got Vikings, Natives (whom were/are amazing), and fur trappers. If you want to know more about the "Great White North" this is one for you as Ferguson (the author) is actually quite witty!
Craft: Yearbook Candle Holder
I found this craft on A Beautiful Mess and have wanted to try it for a while. I took my Stepmom's Senior yearbook and photocopied a page which I thought had the "best" hairstyles. I cut them into strips and ModPodged them to the sides. It took a few coats to make sure that the pages weren't curling. For now I have plopped a tea light at the bottom, but I think it might need a bigger candle. They're a little eerie when lit, but absolutely fantastic. I want to make a few more since the hairstyles in the late 70's were fantastic!
February Month Long Challenge: Day Five
Day Five: Three Years Ago Today
I was in the final semester of my first degree. More than likely I was at the University library buried in stacks of Post-Modernest artists biographies, or early Baroque symbolist dictionaries. I had to find a way to use modern technology to type recipe cards (that's right the Prof wanted catalogued recipe cards). I spent my free moments hanging out in the Mac Hall with a rad bunch of people, and trekked back and forth via the bus shaped limosene (I failed my drivers test that year). Oh and from the picture apparently I was blonde (even though I cannot guarantee that the picture was taken exactly three years ago today, so to use my Art History lingo I would say Circa.)
Musings: Thirft Stores
(Clockwise from top) Roaring lion picture frame, Pyrex lemonade pitcher, silk scarf, vintage sewing pattern, owl pin, bicycle necklace, and flower pin
Oh thrifting! If seems like such a thing to do. So, being me I jumped on the bandwagon. So glad I did. This was my second trip to this little thrift store in Calgary and it was awesome. I got all that you see up there for $8.00. I thought the lion frame would look so so cute with a picture of Sofia in it. I can't wait to make lemonade in the pitcher. And to be honest I don't know WHAT I'm going to do with the vintage sewing pattern. What stills my heart though is this little gem:
Can't wait to wear that with a cute cardigan to work! And what I decided to pass up, but it is worth a mention:
That's right little buddy! No one is perfect!
February Month Long Challenge: Day Four
Day Four: Someone You Adore
That photo about sums it up. This poor trooper hit up not one BUT TWO art museums with me while we were in Madrid. Well Krista was a bit persuasive too, but he went along for the ride. Even after exclaiming that he was going crazy after a few hours at the Prado. Mr. Tom is kinda the best person I've met.
February Month Long Challenge: Day Three
Simply put (and shockingly with my googly eyes) I never leave the house without my glasses. I don't really need them per say, but the law says I need them while driving. It's true. If I don't all the signs go all wobbly. Oh and I need them at the theatre or my eyeballs go crazy. Silly silly astigmatism
February Month Long Challenge: Day Two
Day Two: Quotes
WHAT! I fell off the wagon after the first day. Oh well! Failure wont get me down. So this one is all about three quotes that you love. Here goes in no particular order:
1. “We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”- Dr. Seuss
2. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" - Phillippians 4:13 (NASB)
3. "Of course not," replied Alec, sitting himself down on nothing. "It's only mine, and you certainly can't always look at things from someone else's Point of View. For instance, from here that looks like a bucket of water," he said pointing to a bucket of water; " but from an ant's point of view, it's a vast ocean, from an elephant's just a cool drink, and to a fish, of course, it's home. So, you see, the way you see things depends on a great deal on where you look at them from." - The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Jester
WHAT! I fell off the wagon after the first day. Oh well! Failure wont get me down. So this one is all about three quotes that you love. Here goes in no particular order:
1. “We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”- Dr. Seuss
2. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" - Phillippians 4:13 (NASB)
3. "Of course not," replied Alec, sitting himself down on nothing. "It's only mine, and you certainly can't always look at things from someone else's Point of View. For instance, from here that looks like a bucket of water," he said pointing to a bucket of water; " but from an ant's point of view, it's a vast ocean, from an elephant's just a cool drink, and to a fish, of course, it's home. So, you see, the way you see things depends on a great deal on where you look at them from." - The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Jester
February Month Long Challenge: Day One
Day One: Self Portrait
So, in an attempt to blog more I've decided to join one more daily themed adventure. I cannot remember where I got this from, but essentially I report here everyday for a different topic. Some are photos and some are text based. So for starters is a Self-Portrait. It's been a long day, but I still look a bit cute... if not dishevelled. I must admit that I find it incredibly hard to take a picture of oneself without looking, well... not like oneself. It also doesn't help when I believe that the front camera on an Iphone is evil, or at least isn't good with angles. This is also featuring my goofy, half-smile. It's a smile of "ya know I really should smile" rather than the usual "cheese". Oh well! I think we've got a good start. If not a babbly one!
So, in an attempt to blog more I've decided to join one more daily themed adventure. I cannot remember where I got this from, but essentially I report here everyday for a different topic. Some are photos and some are text based. So for starters is a Self-Portrait. It's been a long day, but I still look a bit cute... if not dishevelled. I must admit that I find it incredibly hard to take a picture of oneself without looking, well... not like oneself. It also doesn't help when I believe that the front camera on an Iphone is evil, or at least isn't good with angles. This is also featuring my goofy, half-smile. It's a smile of "ya know I really should smile" rather than the usual "cheese". Oh well! I think we've got a good start. If not a babbly one!
Musings: Photo Challenge January
I was originally sceptical about doing a photo challenge. Does anyone actually care? In all honesty I find the Instagram family to be quite supportive. Each day had a topic for what your posted photo would be. It caused you to think critically at least once a day. Sometime you ended up with something absolutely amazing. I'm especially happy with the way my "light" challenge turned out (the little thumbnail doesn't do it justice). And sometimes it was a bit crappy. Either way you got to see what others were seeing each day, and appreciate/be appreciated for amazing shots. Needless to say I am continuing on with this for the month of February. This time it is #FEBPHOTOSKILL tag with ideas such as shadow, still life, and abstract. So excited to see what each day will bring! Follow along, or join in!
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